United Nations Security Council


Liam Radford
Avan Fata
MUN has been a big part of Liam's academic life for the last 5 years, all the way throughout highschool till University where he studies Psychology in Exeter. This is, however, his first time chairing at an MUN conference. If you ever see Liam outside of MUN you will probably find him reading, listening to music and drinking tea or coffee (and if he had the money travelling around the world). Some fun facts about him: He's English-Irish-Kazakh-Tatar, grew up in Warsaw & Prague and hardly anyone can pin down his accent properly (including himself).
Avan is a Master's student in History at the LSE with a decade's worth of experience in MUN; most of it spent denying that he'd ever chair a conference if given the opportunity. As a proud advocate of more historical committees and topics in conferences, he's honoured to be chairing this year's UNSC at BathMUN alongside Liam, where he hopes delegates will take it upon themselves to rewrite history diplomatically and energetically. Beyond partaking in the MUN circuit, he can be found reading books, drinking tea, and re-watching documentaries.